Monday 20 June 2011

We had to do a presentation to the whole class to share our idea for our Music Video. Vedant did a great Job at creating the desing in his Mac. Here it is.

Final Day and Rushing to reach deadline

Today is our final day to finish our post-production stage. We have to hand in two copies of our Music Video on a CD. So far everything is going well. We are mainting our focus on our goal to finish editing today. We have 3 hours left to finish, so I better get going.

Production Photos

Here are some photos we took whilest filming our Music Video. I still can't remember the location's had a lake...

Here's Vedant and I'm not hitting him with the michrophone...

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Shooting to End

Today My group is filming our final shots for our Music Video at Amy's House. Unfortunately I'm not able to be there with them because I'm not feeling well. They'll manage without me. They have the shot lists and storyboard so they know what they are doing.

We've started editing on Monday. Our deadline for the final product is next Monday...we'll be fine...

Monday 13 June 2011

Ida Corr vs Fedde Le Grand

I love the editing in this Music Video. The Video Cuts on the beat of the Music. The Editing sort of becomes part of the song in a sense...if that makes any sense at all. I love it. The part where the three ladies are walking towards us in the beginning is my favorite part of the Video.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Pode Entrar Ivete Sangalo

The Guitar intro just gets me up dancing. Perfect Summer Hit.

Una dedica a mio Nonno Italiano (A dedication to my Italian Grandfathers)

I love Music Videos that have a story to tell. I think you can deeply relate to them. This Video is by Laura Pausini, one of my favorite Italian singer. Godetevi il Video!

Saturday 11 June 2011

Take 1 - ACTION

Today We started filming our Music Video. We went down to...I've forgotten the location's name. Silly me! I'll post the location later on. The weather was perfect, we could not have asked for a better day. Although it did start raining the minute we packed up everything.

The shooting went fine. I think we could have done better. The shots are beautiful, one or two are gorgeous, but I just think that we could have been better prepared. We just seemed to decide what to shoot next on the spot. That's not a way a would work personally because it makes us waste time. I guess I like to be organized with my Storyboards and Shotlists. I think that when you are working with these tools your brain is free to be inspired. The Storyboard and Shotlist are just there for you to fall back on just in case something's not working.

I didn't get much of an opportunity to operate the camera myself. I only touched it once to shoot Mila running down the hill. I just decided to step back and observe. I did carry the equipment as we moved locations and I looked after it while Mila, Vedant and Amy were shooting the running shots. Sometimes You learn more from just observing. It's quiet interesting.

I have to admit that I was getting frustrated with this project but now I'm cool about it now. I've come to realize that I'm working with creative people. We don't always see things from the same view point.

When I'm working with my peers I try to communicate my Ideas and whether it goes through or not I just leave the final decisions to them. I just know that I am an Artist with my own vision and that's what makes Armando Ferreira, the one and only. Maybe I'm not meant to be a cinematographer, maybe I was born to Direct. I'll leave it on that note,

Saturday 4 June 2011

S & M

Today I read a news report on the BBC News website. It spoke about how Music videos should be given age ratings to protect children from sexual images and lyrics. Apparently the review into the commercialization of childhood was commissioned by the prime minister David Cameron, it's due out on Monday.

There has been recent controversy about Music videos by Rihanna and Lady Gaga.

I have to agree with David Cameron. Children are being to sex. The Artists themselves seem to be wearing less clothes on their new Videos. They might as well wear no clothes at all.

Friday 3 June 2011

Summer's Here! Ok, so here's one from my Brazilian roots. Get up and Pega na Cabeca...TCHUBIRABIRON!

"Olha pra frente, pra frente
Cintura, cabeça, Tchubirabiron"

This was a summer Hit in Brazil last year. I think It would be cool if we could do a Music Video with the whole college dancing this summer.

Wednesday 1 June 2011


Okay, so Yesterday I met up with Amy and Vedant who are in my Music Video Group. I thought that they had finished the shot list on Friday when I left early because I wasn't feeling well, but they haven't. I won't panic. We are extremely off schedule. I'm also working on another project which is due in 2 weeks. On top of that I also have other assignments to work on. This is getting crazy. I'm going 'Gaga', I'm going to post a Lady Gaga Video. Actually, no I won't. I find them to be too over the top. But hey, It sells, it gets the top hits on Youtube!

Anyway, we managed to do some more shot listing. We just have to focus now. We need to bring the concept of our idea for the Video together. We either need to decide on the concept and stick to it or we are going to have to do some improvisation during production.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Camane on an Alleyway in Lisbon at night

This Music Video By the Portuguese Fado singer, Camane, is in contast motion. In every shot the camera is moving by either panning, tracking or zooming in and out. It simply flows with the rhythm of the guitar sound as if the camera is in a waltz with the Portuguese Guitar.

Monday 23 May 2011


Three Words for the Music Video A-MA-ZING! What other Artists has ever named great Movie Stars in their lyrics. Greta Garbo, Bette Davis, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Katherine Hepburn and others? Brilliant. Lyrics can Strike an inspiration for a Music Video. Strike a pose. VOGUE.

Je Suis Confondu -.-'

Today we were told that we have only a day to finish our shot list and storyboard. Let's get one thing straight, we are not no where near finished with pre-production. How are we going to start filming? I might as well start typing in French! Nothing's impossible they say.


This Leona Lewis Music Video has some of the comcept of our music video. She's walking through a forest I think.

23rd May 2011

Today, Amy, Vedant, Leydimila and I started writing down our shot list. We came across a few problems with it. We worked out that we have to do different shot lists for our locations to make it easier for us when it comes to filming the Music Video. Me managed to finish one page, I wish we could have done some more. Anyway, time has to fly by. If only I could catch up to it...

Saturday 21 May 2011

Gaga for Symbolism and Occult?

Today I read an article on the Guardian website about an anonymous blogger who wrote that Gaga's Music Videos are loaded with occult references and masonic symbolism. I don't know how to post a link to the article but I'll try anyway. copy and paste the link at the bottom at the browser and click enter.

This Video is a better example of how tracking shot is used than the previous Video I posted. In this Video the Artist goes from one end of the room to the other whilst being followed or tracked (if that's the correct term, mm...not sure). This Video is so simple and yet beautifully edited. Simplicity Works. Something to keep in mind.

Friday 20 May 2011

This Video uses tracking shots which we are going to do in our Music Video. We are somehow going to have the camera following our Artist through a forest. Plus I also like this Music Video because it shows the traditional Portuguese dancers from 1:20 to 1:40. LOVE YOU PORTUGAL!

20th May 2011 - Starting to Storyboard

Today, My group and I have started to storyboard our Music Video. To be honest, I don't think we are any where near ready to storyboard our concept for our Music Video. I think we are rushing, mainly due to the fact that we are behind schedule. I wish we had more time. Time, time, time! It just seems to fly by so fast. If only I could turn it back.

I'm not at all happy with how things are going. I don't feel like I'm having any real input into the Music Video. I can't blame it on my group or myself. We are all at different levels and it's hard to balance it out. I find it hard to communicate my ideas to the group. I feel like they don't listen.

I'm slowly loosing interest in this Project. I can't wait to be finished with it. I'm coming to the realization that it's not always the best Idea to work with certain people just because you have a special relationship with them. You have to keep it professional and work with those who will challenge your ideas and help you to develop them into something good, no make that AMAZING!

Thursday 19 May 2011

I love how the artist is dragged on the floor and goes through different locations and ends up were she started. I like the journey it conveys. Our Music Video will have the same concept. Our Artist will go through a journey, so we might use alot of tracking shots. I wish we had the equipment and time to do a bird's eye view shot of our Artist and track at the same time.

19th May 2011 - Falling Behind Schedule

This week are are falling behind on our schedule. My group missed the date of our presentation, which was on monday. We now have to catch up.

Sunday 15 May 2011

This Norah Jones Music Video has some basic elements that I think we can incorporate in our Music Video. For example the use of Close Ups to introduce us to the artist.

The Video is literal to the lyrics. The lyrics is speaks of "chasing pirates". The Mise-en-scene evokes that. The see a pirate boat, the artist is dressed in pirate styled clothes and is on a journey.

Armando Ferreira.

Working Progress

OK, so we were given our music for us to make a Music Video for. The Music is what I expected to get, although my group were not at all happy with what we were given. I'm no music expert to criticize the piece of music, however it's very simple and minimalist. I like it. The lyrics are repetitive. It sort has an Indie and Jazzy sound to it, which is what I love.

I have so many Ideas running through my head. However, Being in a group where I feel so left out due to the fact that my group are not willing to explore different ideas, makes it harder for me to express my ideas. I'm happy in the group I'm in, but I wish we could work more collaboratively. Well, because it's a group project, I guess the majority wins. So I'll just go along with whatever we decide, but I'll still explore my Ideas.

The Musicals - The Pioneers

The Musical films from the early 20th century were important precursor to  the birth of Music Videos. Popular Music Videos have imitated the style of well known classic Hollywood Musicals from the 1930s to the 50s. Madonna's 1985 video for "Material Girl" is a good example. The Video, directed by Mary Lambert, was modeled on Jack Cole's staging of "Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend" from the film "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", directed by Howard Hawks and starring Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russel. 


What is a Music Video?

Music Videos are short films that integrates a song and imagery, mainly produced for promotional or artistic purposes. Today they are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. Music videos only came into prominence in the 1980s when MTV based their format around the medium, although their origins date back further.

Today Music Videos use a wide range of styles of film making techniques, including animation, live action filming, documentaries, and non-narrative approaches such as abstract film. Some Music Videos have blended these different styles, such as animation and live action.

(Source Wikipedia)

Armando Ferreira.