Sunday 15 May 2011

Working Progress

OK, so we were given our music for us to make a Music Video for. The Music is what I expected to get, although my group were not at all happy with what we were given. I'm no music expert to criticize the piece of music, however it's very simple and minimalist. I like it. The lyrics are repetitive. It sort has an Indie and Jazzy sound to it, which is what I love.

I have so many Ideas running through my head. However, Being in a group where I feel so left out due to the fact that my group are not willing to explore different ideas, makes it harder for me to express my ideas. I'm happy in the group I'm in, but I wish we could work more collaboratively. Well, because it's a group project, I guess the majority wins. So I'll just go along with whatever we decide, but I'll still explore my Ideas.

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